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Resgatando o Valentine’s Day

Resgatando o Valentine’s Day

O Valentine ‘s day foi abordado pelo Grade 7 neste ano por um viés mais social. Em um primeiro momento, os alunos resgataram o que já sabiam sobre a festa: 

There was a Bishop named Valentine that married people illegally because his love was gone and he was mad about it.

Carolina Silva, Monique Alexandrina e Julia Assunção

The bishop Valentine made a girl that was blind see again, and that was considered a miracle! That’s why, on that day, it became the holiday “Valentine’s Day”!

Paula Haruna, Felipe Crivari, Sofia Ramos e Sophya Bueno

Foi interessante ver o quanto os alunos já conheciam deste tema e como ainda puderam aprender mais sobre ele. Foi divertido também perceber que alguns alunos confundiram Valentine ‘s day com St Patrick’ s day, valeu o resgate desta história!

Após este levantamento de dados, os alunos assistiram a um vídeo do History Channel contando a história do surgimento do feriado. As informações trazidas pelo vídeo foram utilizadas como pano de fundo para uma discussão sobre se hoje em dia o feriado está mais voltado para o consumo ou se a essência inicial ainda se mantém presente nas celebrações. 

Foi um trabalho rico, de enriquecimento cultural e de desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico e da oralidade. Com certeza o Valentine ‘s Day ganhou um novo significado para os alunos do Grade 7.


This year Valentine’s day was approached by Grade 7 focusing on a more social bias. At first, the students recovered what they already knew about the celebration:

There was a Bishop named Valentine that married people illegally because his love was gone and he was mad about it.

Carolina Silva, Monique Alexandrina and Julia Assunção

The bishop Valentine made a girl that was blind see again, and that was considered a miracle! That’s why, on that day, it became the holiday “Valentine’s Day”!

Paula Haruna, Felipe Crivari, Sofia Ramos and Sophya Bueno

It was interesting to see how much students already knew about this topic and how there was room for learning more about it. It was also fun to realize that some students mistook Valentine’s day for St Patrick’s day, rescuing the story was surely worth it!

After the data collection, the students watched a video from the History Channel that explained in the details the origins of the holiday. The information brought by the video was used as a basis for a discussion as to whether the holiday is now more consumer oriented or whether the initial essence is still present in the celebrations.

It was a rich moment, of cultural enrichment and development of critical thinking and orality. Surely Valentine’s Day has taken on a new meaning for Grade 7 students.

Confira o vídeo do History Channel:

Thereza Costa, Professora
Simone Gellhaar, Coordenadora Pedagógico-Educacional

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